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Are You in the Motherhood? Which Character Are You?
The new show "In the Motherhood" follows different types of moms in their daily lives. These extreme characters encounter extreme situations - and it is hilarious. The best part is that all these stories were adapted from real stories from real moms that were submitted to the show. So which type of mom are you?

Are you the "perfect mom" with the perfect kids and the perfect relationship with your perfect husband? Here is how you can tell if this is you or not. If you are not a "perfect mom" then you probably hate the ones in your life. If you do not have anyone like this in your life then it is probably you! Probably even worse than the actual perfect mom is the one who really wants to be, but her kids do not cooperate! She wanders around obliviously living life while her kids terrorize everyone and everything around them!

I am sure you know a lot of the workaholic types. Some women were career-driven before they had children and a family did not change that. Why is there a stigma to this? Why are women expected to completely change who they are when they have kids? The key to happiness is balance, and on "In the Motherhood" the working mom clearly has no balance. As a matter of fact, when she stays home with her kids her "manny" has to show her their preferences and routine!

Everyone has the single, childless friend who just does not get it. Because of course who can understand motherhood unless you have experienced it? Are you that woman? Do you wonder why your friends all have to buy maternity t shirts and cannot just wear regular clothes? Hopefully you are not sleeping with your friends' "manny" though!

Probably the majority of us are somewhere in between all of these. We may not work but we volunteer and run a household. We may not be perfect but we strive to make our children and husbands as happy as possible.

The television show is quite funny in it depicts all of these extreme characters, each of which women can relate to in some way. Now all they need is a pregnant character to point out all the joys of expecting! Show us the morning sickness, the husbands who do not understand, the high fashion traded in for maternity t shirts! This would be a hilarious character - and I nominate Jenny McCarthy to play her!
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