Celebrating Motherhood

Mothers' Unconditional Love - (Celebrating Motherhood)
You don't need to look far to see why mothers seem to be perpetually at logger heads with there daughters-in-law. Every where you look many grown men and women still seek guidance on a host of issues from there mothers. The same applies to sons-in-law who tend to be in a state of permanent war with their mothers-in-law believing that their wives rely too much on their mothers' counsel. Weather True or False, the fact remains that motherhood is forever from the moment when the doctor pronounces that you are pregnant.

From when a mother knows she is expecting a baby, the maternal instinct right away triggers a protective instinct that tries to ensure no harm befalls the baby. Even that weird occurrence, which sometimes is an overwhelming craving for certain foods or non-foods while pregnant, is the body's' way of saying that certain minerals are missing from the system and you need them to ensure the baby gets optimum growth in the womb. My wife and I being first time mother and father are leaving nothing to chance to ensure the best for the unborn baby. My wife will always flinch whenever anyone or thing move very close to her. She is not alone many mother invest a lot to their unborn babies, a true testimony of a mothers' love to her child that is independent to the child's physical appearance. As much as some parents lock up their children because of physical deformities and the stigma societies attach to these abnormalities. But most mothers love their babies unconditionally. This ensures the survival of infants to adulthood, thanks to God for these instincts. Just like the American poet (James Agee) puts it "A mother never realizes that her children are no longer children". Even when they are grown old she believes that they remain her little children.

Listen to this Irish saying "A man loves his sweetheart the most; his wife the best, but his mother the longest"

My friend told me five years ago it's his mothers' instincts that saved him from certain death when he got a bout of pneumonia. He had a piercing pain in his chest, which he would stoically endure even as it looked very serious. One reason he resisting going to hospital was he had emptied his pocket at the beginning of the school term. And he thought the pain would eventually go away. But his mother who is also a grand mother had not retired from parenting arena. She said this was not a laughing matter and that she was not going to the village until my friend saw a doctor. And with that she fished from her large purse Ksh 3,000. To my friends surprise the doctor told him he had pneumonia. Every mother has a sixth sense that's impossible to argue with.

A priest tickled his congregation when he talked of this mothers' unconditional love. He spoke of the obligation to congratulate the new mother, there is really no comeliness in the infant to talk about when she cannot honestly exclaim "What a beautiful boy" then simply says "What a baby."

Let me conclude with this gem "Child bearing myth number 1: Labor ends when the baby is born."
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stephen_Kavita